Monday, December 31, 2012

Yikes I mentioned Kenya but we are in CAMBODIA !!!!!:

Dear Friends I ended my year with a deep desire and longing come true.  On my past visits to Kenya we were not able to do home  visits and my heart was sad about this.  On January 31, 2012 God  blessed a small group of us to go to another village and pray with families-blessing for their homes, prayer requests they gave us and we ask them to pray for us.  Reminded me of James 5:16-prayers of righteous are powerful and effective.  This joyful destitute community is known in the province as the "Christian village".  They know the power of prayer they know God's provision for food only from the land around them.  And if you want to hear the whole story please ask any of us.  So I ended 2012 with the words of Proverbs 13:19-"A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul,..". 
Also please pray for of us who are in need of healing-Ronnie sore throat, Lynn-coughing, chest congestion,  Mary Ann-knee injury before trip is very painful.  
We love all of you our family and friends.  Lynn walker

Sunday, December 30, 2012

There's No Place Like Home...But Cambodia is Close

Randy --

To be honest I was not 100% eager to come on this trip.  It was hard to leave my family the day after Christmas.  You combine my desire to be home with my family for Christmas with some of the tensions I've been feeling about our partnerships here, and the result was less than my normal enthusiasm and passion. That was a weird feeling!  The tensions I'm talking about are a normal part of cross-cultural ministry. If you didn't know this - missions isn't all flowers and smiley faces!  It can be hard.  I'm confident in our strategy, but at times you ask questions - are we doing the right thing? - will we ever truly understand each other? - do I have the answers to our problems?  You add all that up together and I found myself in somewhat of a funk.

We landed in Phnom Penh and the funk began clearing.  The sights, the smells, the faces of a people I love served instantly as a reminder of why I am so passionate about this to begin with.

And today the funk went away! We stepped off of the ferry on to the soil of Lveasor, and walked on to the property of Hope for Cambodia Orphanage and Lveasor Bible Baptist Church, where literally hundreds of familiar faces were waiting to greet us, to worship alongside us, and to do incredible ministry in (messy) partnership.

I spent face time talking with my friend that I love and respect - a man that I admire deeply.
I saw the children that we love and adore - and reflected on the difference that is being made in their lives because of this partnership.
I shared a special moment with one of the orphans that is transitioning from teenager to adult.

Cambodia may not be home, but it is close.  I'm so grateful to be here!  And I am so grateful to our big God to be serving and leading a church that is so committed to this - even though it is hard sometimes.  Brazos Pointe - God has been good to us, I pray that he will continue to inspire our hearts toward even greater things.  I believe our best days are ahead - in Cambodia and in Southern Brazoria County.  It's good to be here - but I'm just as excited about being back home with you after a few more days - and pressing in to all that God has for us in 2013!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Pray for our 2012-2013 Cambodia Team

Allison Jenkins
Avery Massengale
Christopher McCrary
Clayton Knight
Coral Betancourt
Cory Whitehead
Courtney Jones
Annie Massengale
Greg Pickering
Haleigh Culverhouse
Shea Massengale
Jeanne Manry
Randy Dane
Katherine Knight
Kathy Pickering
Kelli Meyer
Lynn Walker
Mary Ann McDaniel
Ronnie Whitehead
Sarah Quinn
Sheila Pierce
Travis Knight

We will be leaving for Cambodia early in the morning on December 27 and returning to Houston on January 5.  Our team will be training pastors, working with children from Hope for Cambodia Orphanage and the village of Lveasor, and prayer walking and sharing our faith.

Pray that God does big things in us and through us! 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Making Our Way Home

Well, we're on 4 hour layover in Seoul, Korea, and our group is spread out and passed out all over the airport. Sleep is drastically sought after. In about another hour, we load up on the LONG leg of the flight and head to Dallas, where we will have another 3 1/2 hour layover. That one may be the worst, since we will know we are but a short 1 hour flight from home.

The week was exciting, productive, encouraging and draining. We saw wonderful things and experienced amazing opportunities from God. But for now, the bodies are tired and aching and longing for American soil.

Bush Intercontinental is where we want to be. We hope to see familiar faces there.

Ronnie Whitehead
Smalll Groups Pastor

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Adventure at Siem Reap

Well, today started off with a bang!

Tyne ate a tarantula! Actually, she was the FIRST to eat a tarantula. Cory Whitehead, Johnathan Sublet and others followed soon after. Lynn Walker even did a children's documentary on it.

We had a very long van ride from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap today. We were already tired from the week in the village of Leveasar, so today was a tough travel day of some 5-6 hours. But I must say, the team has been phenomenal!! No fights, no complaining, no attitudes. They have been the best!

After we arrived at Siem Reap, we took a side trip to the floating boat village. As you can see, we saw some strange things while we were there.

At sunset, we left and finally headed to our hotel. It was good to get out of the vans and get some good food. Now its bedtime and am I ready!!

Tomorrow we visit the temples. Please continue to pray for our safety and for our health. God has been so faithful. We will see you soon. Thank you for your prayers!!

Ronnie Whitehead
Small Groups Pastor

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday in Leveasar

Today was day 2 in Leveasar. It seems as though everything is going well with the Bible School for the kids. The workers get tired quickly because of the intense heat and humidity, but they are pushing on, like the troopers that they are.

The Pastors Conference is going well. Today Greg and I went into hyper-drive. We knew we had to pick up the pace if we were to finish our material. We are giving the pastors and church leaders an overview of each book of the New Testament so that they will have a better understanding of the Scriptures when they go back to their churches to teach. They appear to really be enjoying the study.

Something cool happened yesterday. During one of the breaks, a young pastor called me over to a table where he was visiting with several women attendees. He said that 3 of the older women wanted "what you have", as he pointed to my face. (that was scary) What he meant was, they wanted eye glasses like I had so that they could read their Bibles. I was worried at first, because I wasn't sure how I could help them. I told them that I would ask some questions and do what I could, but I wasn't sure that I could help. After talking with Tamara Stein and Kathy Pickering, they came up with the idea of buying them each a magnifying glass. Great idea! Well, today when I arrived, I went straight to the ladies and handed them each a magnifying glass that Kathy had purchased for them and showed them how to use it to read their Bibles. They were THRILLED!! It was one of the best things that could have happened for them, you would have thought. They were very grateful and immediately went to show everyone else what God had provided for them.

Tomorrow is our last day at the orphanage. It will be an extremely sad day for everyone. I'm sure that tears will be shed by the children when they walk us to the ferry, and more tears will be shed by the team as the ferry pulls away from the bank. The goodbyes are as painful as the hellos are exciting.

Once again, thank you for your continued prayers. God has been so very faithful in taking care of our team. Please continue to pray. We are excited to come home and tell you about our adventures, but they will come at the great cost of leaving the ones we have grown to love here.

The people of Brazos Pointe Fellowship are, and always will be, the greatest people in the world.

Ronnie Whitehead
Small Groups Pastor

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cambodia - a world away

Canbodia is a beautiful country! The appearance of chaos in Phnom Penh creates some anxiety in me ( I can't imagine driving here!), but as we leave the city every day to go to Lveasar, the crowds thin and I can see the beautiful countryside. The walk to the ferry and the ride across the river is very peaceful. By the time I walk down the road to the orphanage, all the anxiety is gone. The children at the gate waiting for us is an amazing feeling, but a little sad because I know we only have a few days. They want so much to be loved on and played with, and their smiles light up the day. I will make the most of each day here, and I pray that somehow I am making a difference.
-Paula Jones

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday at Leveasar

Today was our first day at the village of Leveasar and the Hope For Cambodia Orphanage. And an amazing day it was. After the long trek to the village, we were greeted by the most incredible smiles that you can imagine. The children of the orphanage are so awesome. They love and love and love and love some more.

I suppose the highlight of the day was seeing our precious little Mean, the young lady that we sponsor. This is the first time that she has met Teresa and Cory. The reunion was so sweet. She cried, Teresa cried, and Cory and I were smiling from ear to ear. I am so blessed to have part of my family with me this time. As I said, the children of the orphanage are so glad to see everyone. They laugh and play until our team is worn out. It is so much fun to experience.

Having church with the village was special also. Hearing the Cambodian people sing and pray was awesome. It wasn't a complete vacation, because Greg still preached. haha .. kidding.

After our time at the village was over, we headed to visit The Killing Fields. It is the site of the mass graves where Pol Pot exterminated thousands upon thousands of his own people. Please read about this terrible tragedy in the history of this nation. It was a very dark time. The experience of walking through was extremely sobering.

Tomorrow the Bible School and the Pastors Conferences begin. While most of our team teaches and plays with the kids, Greg and I will be leading a Pastors Conference there at Leveasar while Ron Brock and Johnathan Sublet leave to lead a Pastors Conference 4 hours away. Please be praying for all of these events, as we try to follow God's lead in being His hands and feet in ministry.

We thank you for your prayers. While we have seen tragedy all around us, God has been faithful in keeping our team healthy and safe. May God bless you, Brazos Pointe, as you meet in worship today.

Ronnie Whitehead

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cambodia 2012

BPF is sending a team of more than 30 to Cambodia! When we are asleep tonight they will be gathering and heading to the airport to catch an early morning flight. More than 25 hours later they will be arriving in Phnom Penh - ready to love, serve, and carry the name of Christ. The team members will be serving at the Hope for Cambodia Orphanage and leading a conference for pastors.

You will be able to follow their journey here. Check back often.

Please pray for the team, our friends in Cambodia, and for a lot of success in their mission!