Friday, May 14, 2010

Note from Joe...

Laptops have been delivered. I spent the day with Tida on Tuesday at hisbusiness and worked with he and a technician to install Khmer languagepack and typing programs on each of the laptops. The hope is that thekids at the orphanage will be able to learn to type, pick up basiccomputer skills and even help build their English language skills by usingthese programs and others as time goes on. (The internet may be only 2 years or so away...) Tida picked me up at our hotel. Transportation to his business was veryinteresting to say the least! I traveled on the back of his motor scooter,four (4) laptops and all through the streets of Phnom Penh. Quiet a siteto see. At times we were only inches from other mopeds, scooters, TukTuks, cars, buses and trucks (not while we were stopped I might add)! Ittook us about 25 minutes to get there. Ask me to share more with you whenwe return next week. The trip to the orphanage has to top anything I have done to date. Withoutquestion it is an experience words and pictures cannot adequately explain.I have a new friend, Chang, who is 6 years old. Not long after we arrivedhe ventured out of the group of kids to check out the visitors. I smiledand extended my hand out to him. He came over and hugged me and wanted meto pick him up and hold him. That is where he stayed the better part of ourtime at the orphanage. All he wanted was to be held and loved on. I know the others have blogged about the long journey, lost luggage, typesof food, etc. and I cannot add anything of note. I look forward to sharingmore details after we return. Joe

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