Friday, January 2, 2009

Wow! What a day...

Wow!! What a day. Or maybe better "what a few days". The calendar says it has been two days, the clock says it has been just over 24 hours, but my body says something more like a week. We left Houston at just after 5:00 p.m. on Dec. 31 and will get to Phnom Penh at around 10:00 in the morning on Jan 2nd. What makes it worse is that we didn't see the sunshine from  the time we left Los Angeles until after we arrived in Taipei (about 18 hours). That's just not natural.
So far everything has gone smoothly. All of the flights have left and arrived on time. All of the flights have been nearly full, but we were able to shift some people around so that the Culverhouses could sit together and Randy moved to a bulkhead seat to get some more leg room. I'm not sure but I think Greg has connections. He has sat in a bulkhead seat for each leg of the trip. He and Michael have had plenty of leg room.
I'll write more later today after I am completely exhausted and un-comprehendable.


  1. Each of you have been in our thoughts and prayers since you left LJ. For those of us who have been fortunate to be a part of other mission trips, there is some amount of wishing that we could be with you to experience all that God has in store for your team. There is nothing like missions to bond people together and change individual lives at the same time. We are excited for you!

    Yes, there must be some who have better 'connections' than the rest of us as far as seating on airplanes go...ask pregnant Holly about sitting in the with the rest of us 'common folk' on one of our flights to Kenya...while her hubby sat with enough leg room to completely lay out flat in...ha! ha!

    Be safe, have fun...and remember the key word in mission trips...'flexibility' :)

  2. Steve-the more trips you make the better treatment you get-want to make sure you're in it for the long haul!!

    Thanks to everyone for your updates. George & I enjoy hearing about all you daily activities.Can't wait to hear about your 1st day in Lveasor-we miss being there!

    Keeping y'all in our prayers! Kathy and George King
