Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbyes & Hellos at the Airport

We just said goodbye so they could say hello.

For those of us that traveled to Cambodia last year, this goodbye felt strange. But God is in Cambodia just like He is in America, and that gives every strange feeling a dose of peace.

We will miss them and our Cambodian friends!

Looking forward to hearing from them,
Jeff and Kathy Pickering


  1. It looks like Randy is taking Kendall on the trip...way to start your kids young, Randy, what will Kendall's area of ministry be? Perhaps proper diaper hygiene?? seriously though, we are all praying for all of you daily here at the Monical house...have a life-changing trip! We love you!

  2. Not taking her this time...just didn't want to let her go! They said she could be in the picture as the team mascot. :)
